Sunday, January 10, 2010

34 Weeks!

Week 34!
Now, I know that some of you won't be able to tell, but I had to go ahead & post my week 34 picture before getting the update from the doctor on Tuesday, because in the last week, I (or should I say Lily?) have started to drop!
I woke up one morning (Thursday, I think) & when I took a look in the mirror, she was noticeably sitting lower in my belly! I thought it was a wishful thinking thing on my part, but the girls at work & Jeff all said that it was noticeable to them as well.
So, I'll post an update after our doctor's appointment on Tuesday, but I just wanted to share the excitement we had for now!
Love, Ashlee, Jeff, & Lily
Addition from doctor's appointment on January 12:
Another good doctor's appointment! Except for the fact that their scale said that I had gained 5 POUNDS IN 2 WEEKS!!! I have never gained that much in all the appointments I've had, so imagine my surprise (& astonishment!). I hadn't changed my eating habits, I wasn't swollen... Hmm, another strange thing was that all 4 scales at my work indicated that I hadn't gained any weight since my last appointment. OK, I'll stop focusing on that, except to say that one of the books I read stated that during week 34, my blood supply will increase in preparation for labor, & I could gain between 2-4 pounds. So I'll chalk up 4 pounds to new blood, & one pound to Lily. :)
My blood pressure was 118/78, I was measuring right at 34 weeks, & Lily's heart rate was between 130s-140s. I'll have my Group B Strep test at my next appointment, which checks me to see if I'm a carrier for this organism. If so, all they do is administer Penicillin during the labor & delivery to protect Lily. If not, I'm off the hook! The doctor also said that they will probably do an internal exam because I am more on my feet than other women due to my job. The appointment is on January 28.
That's really all for now! Just pressing along, same old same old, trying to be patient. Such an exciting time!
Love, Ashlee, Jeff, & Lily


  1. How exciting! You look AMAZING, too!

  2. Lily is getting ready! You look fantastic as always. Can't wait to see you this weekend :)
