Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lily's first date :)

On March 24, Lily had her first date. I know you all are probably thinking that Lily is waaaaay too young to have a date, but you'll understand once you hear the background story.

My friend Tiffany was pregnant at the same time I was (you've heard & seen her mentioned in past blogs). I was due with Lily on February 24th, & she was due with her son Kader on February 25th. (Start noticing all the coincidences now...) After entering my 40th week of pregnancy, my doctor scheduled me to be induced during my 41st week, on March 3. After entering her 40th week of pregnancy, Tiffany's doctor scheduled her to be induced on March 3. Destiny! Our children were going to have the same birthdays! Not exactly... Lily decided to make her debut one day earlier than Kader- she was born on March 2, & Kader on March 3 (so now she's older & wiser than her future husband).

Now here's where I get a little fuzzy even though I've heard the story a few times. (Tiffany will scold me, but that's ok :) I believe that Kader is a family name, drawn from a few different sources of inspiration, BUT one of them is the name of a road that Kader's great (or is is great-great?) grandfather lived on: Kader Lilley- do you see? Destiny!!! (Now I know Lilley isn't spelled the same as Lily, but it's close enough, right? :)

Anyway, Jeff & I and Kirk & Tiffany always joke around about how Lily & Kader are going to marry each other one day, and Jeff & Kirk will be exchanging words with one another when it happens. You know, "What are your son's intentions with my daughter?" and "Do you have any idea how much the ring is that your daughter wants my son to buy her?".

So here are a few pictures from that magical day...

Lily was so excited to meet Kader that she got all dressed up.
She's thinking, "Oh, snap- how hot do I look?"

"What is taking this dude so long to get here?"

Even though Lily slept through most of the date, they were a little shy once they were introduced...

Lily did NOT want to share her shot with Kader!

A close-up of the little man!

Finally- at peace with one another.

Awwwww... It must be love!

Love, Ashlee, Jeff, & Lily

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I laughed the whole way through your posting :)
    Kader Lilley is Kirk's great grandad's name and Kirk grew up on Kader Lilley road . . .for any of those folks that care!
