Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The day we found out we were pregnant

June 21, 2009- Father's Day

After 8 months of trying to conceive, I had been tracking my temperatures & knew that I was one day away from a high temperature indicating that we were pregnant. So even though it was a Sunday, I set my alarm for 5:30am. I was so excited & nervous I woke up on my own around 5am, took my temperature, & it was still high! I rushed to the bathroom to take a test. Just in case, I used one of the cheaper "one line or two lines" test. The control line turned up positive, but no line under the test window. I was furious!!! I pulled out the "pregnant or not pregnant" test & used that one. As I was in the midst of taking it, I looked down & noticed a second line on the first test! PREGNANT!!! And then the second test came back: PREGNANT!!!

I woke Jeff up (around 5:30am, mind you) & said "Sorry, but can you see?" And then I shoved the tests right in his face. I've never seen him move so quickly that early in the morning! We of course did the usual hugging & screaming, & then he insisted we go & get some more "pregnant or not pregnant" tests so that he could be sure we really were pregnant. We went to the store & he immediately pulled into the "Customer with Child Parking"! We bought another box of tests, & when we got home, I took another one that confirmed we were pregnant, & Jeff took one too, just in case we had some false positives!

Much love, kisses, & excitement,
Jeff, Ashlee, & Baby Register

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! I'm so excited for you...I was actually working REALLY hard at work yesterday and made a blogspot for KJ. You'll have to go check it out :) http://kjrevels.blogspot.com/
    I can't wait to watch our bellies and babies grow together. Congrats!! Love ya'll!
